Saturday, April 09, 2011

Art Show Blunder: Event Hosting Tips for Young Professionals

I went to an art show last night where I encountered a less-than-professional young professional. From an event attendee and fellow young professional, here are my tips for yp's that are attending their own events:

1. Don't drink, especially if there's an open bar. A glass of wine usually leads to a second, and a third, and before you know it you're no longer running your event, you're at your own party.

2. Let your fellow event hosts know ahead of time that they will be asked to give a short speech. Don't throw them in front of a crowd unprepared. It creates an awkward experience for everyone.

3. Don't interrupt a speech to interject your own ideas. Especially if you're going to make statements that are offensive to the attendees. This connects to the first tip: don't drink.

Remember that you're not only representing your organization, you're also representing yourself. Any small blunder may seem harmless at the time, but is likely to leave a sour taste in your event attendee's mouths that may come in to play at a later point.

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