Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gossip Girl Here: AdweekMedia Plan of the Year

Adweek announced its AdweekMedia Plan of the Year winners this week. The most intriguing of the winners is Best Use of Moble: OMD. Honestly, the campaign was just downright cool. For the Gossip Girl Season 2 Premiere, OMD designed a campaign that linked viewers with the show in real-time via text message. For anyone that is a stranger to Gossip Girl, mobile devices dominate throughout the characters as the means of communication by text messaging and updating social networking sites. OMD recognized the popularity of mobile devices within the Gossip Girl audience and enabled the audience to receive text messages from "Gossip Girl" herself as the show unfolded. OMD teamed up with Clearspring to design a widget that allowed People.com updates to mobile devices. The widget was promoted using social networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace. Ads for the widget drove traffic to the website. The campaign resulted in an increased Season 2 premiere audience as well as an increase in CW community website members. There are plans to repeat this sort of social network buzz success for the season 3 premiere.

While I do not watch Gossip Girl, I have to admit that this campaign is so cool I would have signed up for the text messages and watched the premiere just to be a part of it. Nice work, OMD.

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